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The Trade Desk

Sync your first-party, CRM and conversion events to The Trade Desk using data from your warehouse.


Power your The Trade Desk platform with up-to-date data straight from your data warehouse. Sync first-party data or use highly customizable postback URLs to handle data your way. Keeping your data updated equips your team with the necessary tools they need to deliver a top of the line advertising experience.

Supported syncing

Sync TypeDescriptionSupported Sync Modes
Postback eventsSync data from any source to The Trade Desk via a postback URLInsert
Real-time conversion eventsSync data from any source to The Trade Desk as real-time conversion eventsInsert
Offline conversion eventsSync data from any source to The Trade Desk as offline conversion eventsInsert
CRM data segmentsSync your Customer relationship management (CRM) data from any source to The Trade Desk data segmentsAdd, Remove
First-party data segmentsSync your first-party data from any source to The Trade Desk data segmentsAdd

Getting started

You need to enter different credentials depending on whether you're syncing events, CRM data segments, or first-party data segments. If you plan to use multiple sync types, enter the necessary credentials for all of them. Entering all the required credentials lets you use the same destination setup for every Trade Desk sync.

Once you have entered your inputs, press the Test Connection button to check you have inputted valid credentials.

Postback events credentials

For Hightouch to sync postback events, you need to enter a root postback URL.

Conversion events credentials

For Hightouch to sync real-time conversion events, you need the following:

  • Advertiser ID
  • Advertiser secret key

Offline conversion events credentials

For Hightouch to sync offline conversion events, you need the following:

  • Advertiser ID
  • Advertiser secret key
  • Offline data provider ID

If you would like to create offline tracking tags through Hightouch, an API token is also required.

CRM data segment credentials

For Hightouch to sync data to your CRM data segments, you need the following:

  • Advertiser ID
  • Environment - select either your Production or Sandbox environment
  • API token

You can create an API token by logging onto The Trade Desk platform using your API credentials. These API credentials can be provided by your account manager. Navigate to the Manage API Tokens option under the user profile menu at the top-right of The Trade Desk UI. Then either create a Long- or Short-Lived API token. Once you have copied the API token, navigate back to Hightouch and paste the API token.

First-party data segment credentials

For Hightouch to sync data to your first-party data segments, you need the following:

  • Advertiser ID
  • Environment - select a server location of your choice
  • Advertiser secret key

You can obtain your decoded advertiser secret key for uploading first-party data from your advertiser preferences page in The Trade Desk UI. If you can't find your secret key, contact your Account Manager. When you send data, the included secret key is validated against the secret key the platform has on file for the Advertiser ID.

When setting up for first-party data segments, upload your data to the hostname closest to the location of the users targeted by your campaign. Using the closest hostname reduces latency. After a short delay, Hightouch replicates the data to other data centers globally. Please don't upload the same data to more than one data center. Certain data types have exceptions including how they replicate to countries with specific privacy regulations. Refer to The Trade Desk docs for more details.

Sync configuration

Syncing postback events

Hightouch supports inserting impression data as events to The Trade Desk.

To ensure syncs send each event, your event model must use a truly unique primary key. See the events syncs documentation for more information.

Field mapping

You can sync columns from your source to The Trade Desk event custom fields.

Mapping model columns to The Trade Desk custom fields in the Hightouch UI

Syncing real-time conversion events

Sync data from any source to The Trade Desk Ads as real-time conversion events.

Field mapping

Hightouch lets you sync event properties via field mappings.

Custom mappings

You can also map additional custom data using The Trade Desk's ten sequentially numbered custom dynamic properties to provide additional conversion metadata (t1-t10).

To ensure syncs send each event, your event model must use a truly unique primary key. See the events syncs documentation for more information.

Syncing offline conversion events

Sync data from any source to The Trade Desk as offline conversion events.

Offline tracking tags

An offline tracking tag is required for each offline conversion event in The Trade Desk. This offline tracking tag must be associated with the same offline data provider ID that is in the destination configuration.

Select whether you'd like to use the same tracking tag for all rows in your sync, or map the tracking tag ID from a column in your source.

You can optionally create a new offline tracking tag with the former option. Provide the name for your new offline tracking tag, and ensure that you have provided an API token in your destination configuration.

Field mapping

At least one ID and the timestamp is required for each offline event. If you provide an ImpressionId, no other IDs are required. Refer to The Trade Desk's documentation for supported ID types.

Hightouch lets you sync additional event properties via field mappings.

Custom mappings

You can also map additional custom data using The Trade Desk's ten sequentially numbered custom dynamic properties to provide additional conversion metadata (t1-t10).

Syncing CRM data segments

Hightouch supports inserting and removing your data to your CRM data segments in The Trade Desk. CRM data is first-party data that includes all client information collected and shared across your organization.

User identifiers

To identify which users to add or update in an CRM data segment, select model columns and the corresponding Trade Desk fields. You can match on any of the following Trade Desk fields:

  • Email
  • Email (SHA256)
  • Phone
  • Phone (SHA256)
Increase match rates in The Trade Desk segments by enabling Match Booster.

Creating a new segment

In your sync configuration, you can tell Hightouch to create a new data segment for you. You can optionally assign a custom name to your segment. If no name is provided, Hightouch defaults to using your model name.

You also need to select which region you would like to create your CRM data segment in. This is based on the origin of the PII.

Using an existing segment

Additionally, instead of creating a new data segment Hightouch can also sync users to existing segments that are already populated in your The Trade Desk account.

PII hashing

You can enable PII hashing if you wish for Hightouch to detect whether your data requires normalization and hashing based on the chosen record mapping. For example, if you select Email (SHA256) and the model column selected with the email data is unhashed, Hightouch hashes the value for you.

Full Resync interval

Data synced into The Trade Desk has a Time-To-Live (TTL) value. This is the amount of time the data remains active in the segment. The default recommended value by The Trade Desk is 90 days. If you wish to customize this interval, enter the number of days you want your data to live in the segment for. After it expires, Hightouch triggers a full resync on your next sync run to keep your data refreshed in The Trade Desk.

First party data segments

Hightouch supports inserting your data to first party data segments in The Trade Desk.

Field mappings

You can sync columns from your model to The Trade Desk on the following fields:

  • Trade Desk GUID: The Trade Desk 36-character GUID (including dashes) for a user.
  • Raw Device ID: the raw device ID for this user, sent in 36-character GUID format, including dashes. Use iOS IDFA or Android's AAID.
  • UID2: The 256-bit UID2 as a base64-encoded string.
  • UID2Token: The encrypted UID2 token.
  • EUID: The user's European Unified ID as a 44-character base64-encoded SHA-256 string. This ID is case-sensitive.
  • EUIDToken String The encrypted EUID token.
  • RampID: The 49-character or 70-character RampID, previously known as IdentityLink. This must be a RampID from LiveRamp that is mapped specifically for The Trade Desk. For details about mapping a RampID, see LiveRamp documentation.
  • ID5: Data providers holding these IDs should engage with ID5 directly to obtain the necessary decryption keys. For details see the ID5 site. NOTE: The ID5 ID must be in decrypted form.
  • netID: A 70-character base64-encoded string. For details see the netID Developer Portal.
  • FirstId: A first-party cookie typically set by publishers in France. For details see the First-id site.

Creating a new segment

In your sync configuration, you can tell Hightouch to create a new data segment for you. You can optionally assign a custom name to your segment. If no name is provided, Hightouch defaults to using your model name.

Using an existing segment

Instead of creating a new data segment Hightouch can also sync users to existing segments already populated in your The Trade Desk account.

Full resync interval

Data synced into The Trade Desk has a Time-To-Live (TTL) value. This is the amount of time the data remains active in the segment. The default value recommended value by The Trade Desk is 30 days. If you wish to customize this interval, enter the number of days you want your data to live in the segment for. After it expires, Hightouch triggers a full resync on your next sync run to keep your data refreshed in The Trade Desk.

Tips and troubleshooting

Matched users count

Below only applies to the CRM data segment sync type.

Hightouch retrieves the audience metadata from The Trade Desk in real-time. The matched user count reflects the active IDs based on a 7-day look back window where the ID came up for bidding.

Common errors

To date, our customers haven't experienced any errors while using this destination. If you run into any issues, please don't hesitate to . We're here to help.

Live debugger

Hightouch provides complete visibility into the API calls made during each of your sync runs. We recommend reading our article on debugging tips and tricks to learn more.

Sync alerts

Hightouch can alert you of sync issues via Slack, PagerDuty, SMS, or email. For details, please visit our article on alerting.

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Last updated: Sep 20, 2024

On this page

OverviewSupported syncingGetting startedPostback events credentialsConversion events credentialsOffline conversion events credentialsCRM data segment credentialsFirst-party data segment credentialsSync configurationSyncing postback eventsSyncing real-time conversion eventsSyncing offline conversion eventsSyncing CRM data segmentsFirst party data segmentsTips and troubleshootingMatched users countCommon errorsLive debuggerSync alerts

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