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Build robust marketing campaigns on Marketo using rich customer data from your data warehouse

Marketo is a premium destination and is only available on Business tier plans.

Supported syncing

Sync TypeDescriptionSupported Sync ModesAPI Reference
Standard and custom objectsSync data to custom or standard objects including leads, companies, and opportunitiesUpsert, UpdateObject docs
Custom activitiesSync data to custom activitiesInsertActivities docs
Static listsUpdate membership in static listsAdd, UpdateStatic lists docs
Campaign triggersTrigger campaigns using source dataInsertCampaign docs

For more information about sync modes, refer to the sync modes docs.

Marketo setup

Giving Hightouch access to Marketo's API requires you to create a Custom Service and API Only User for that service in Marketo. Even if you already have a Marketo API User, it's best to create one that's solely for the Hightouch service you'll create. Having a dedicated user for the Hightouch integration lets you more easily track changes from Hightouch syncs.

Create Marketo service

Before you can create a Custom Service, you need to create a Marketo role with API Access and a user with that role. None of the default Marketo Roles have API access, so if this is your first API integration in Marketo, you first need to create an API access role.

Create Marketo API access role

  1. In Marketo, go to Admin > Users & Roles > Roles and click New Role.

Role creation in the Marketo UI

  1. Enter a Role Name (for example, "Hightouch Integration Role") and Description. Then assign all permissions listed in this table to the role:
Sync TypeNecessary permissions
Standard and custom objectsRead-Write Company (for company objects), Read-Write Opportunity (for opportunities), Read-Write Person (for leads), and Read-Write Custom Object and Read-Write Custom Object Type (for any custom objects)
Custom activitiesRead-Write Activity, Read-Write Activity Metadata
Static listsAccess Marketing Activities > List Import
Campaign triggersRead-Write Assets, Activate Campaign
  1. Click Create.

Create Marketo API user

After creating a role, you need to create an API-Only user. API-Only users are a special type of user in Marketo, as they are administrated by other users and cannot be used to log in to Marketo.

  1. In Marketo, go to Admin > Users & Roles > Users and click Invite New User.

User creation in the Marketo UI

  1. Enter an email address, first name, and last name for the user. (These don't need to be valid.) Click Next.

User creation in the Marketo UI

  1. Assign the previously created role, click the API Only checkbox, and click Next.

User creation in the Marketo UI

  1. The last screen for user creation says "An invitation is not required for API only." Click Send to create the API-Only user.

Ensure that this user has access to the workspaces and partitions you want to use in Hightouch. You can read more about this in the 603 - Access denied section.

Create a custom service

Custom Services provide the actual credentials required to authenticate Marketo to Hightouch. To provision one, follow these instructions:

  1. In Marketo, go to Admin > LaunchPoint and select New Service.

Service creation in the Marketo UI

  1. Give your service a descriptive name. From the Service list, select the Custom. Give your service a description, for example, "Hightouch Integration" and select the API Only user you previously created, then click Create.

Service creation in the Marketo UI

  1. This adds a new service to your list of LaunchPoint services, and the option to View Details. Click on View Details and save the Client Id and Client Secret for use in Hightouch.

Service creation in the Marketo UI

You're now ready to provide Hightouch access to Marketo.

Connect to Marketo

If you created an IP Allowlist in your Marketo settings, make sure to allowlist Hightouch IP addresses so Hightouch can reach your cluster. Refer to our IP address docs to find the relevant IP addresses for your Hightouch region.

In Hightouch, go to the Destinations overview page and click the Add destination button. Select Marketo and click Continue. You can then authenticate Hightouch to Marketo by entering the following fields:

  • Client ID
  • Client Secret
  • Base URL

To find the Client ID and Secret, navigate to Admin > LaunchPoint in your Marketo account and select the service you created for Hightouch.

Service creation in the Marketo UI

You can find the Base URL in Admin > Integration > Web Services under REST API. Only use the part after https:// and before /rest as your base URL, for example,

Base URL in the Marketo UI

Sync configuration

Once you've set up your Marketo destination and have a model to pull data from, you can set up your sync configuration to begin syncing data. Go to the Syncs overview page and click the Add sync button to begin. Then, select the relevant model and the Marketo destination you want to sync to.

Syncing objects

Hightouch supports syncing to both standard and custom Marketo objects. The standard objects that Hightouch supports are:

  • Leads
  • Companies
  • Opportunities

Record matching

You can match rows from your model to objects in Marketo on any column in your model and certain fields in Marketo. To avoid duplications or other data issues, it's imperative to choose a column with unique values. Refer to the record matching docs for more information.

The Marketo fields available for record matching depend on the object:

Field mapping

Hightouch lets you sync object fields via field mapping. You can map data from any of your model columns to an object's default fields. Ensure your model columns data types match the data types of the fields you want to sync to.

Delete behavior

The delete behavior you select dictates what to do when a row no longer appears in your model's query results. You have the following options:

Do nothingKeep the object in Marketo with all its synced fields
DeleteDelete the object from Marketo

Batch size

By default, Hightouch sends 300 objects in a batch. You can lower the batch size to mitigate 413 Request Entity Too Large errors.

Syncing custom activities

When syncing custom activities, Hightouch treats any records added to your model as new activities and sends them to Marketo when your sync runs.

To sync custom activities, the custom activity type must first be created and approved in Marketo. You can learn more about creating custom activities in Marketo's docs.

Activity selection

To start, select a custom activity type you've already created in Marketo. If you don't see it in the dropdown, make sure it's approved in Marketo and then click Refresh in Hightouch.

Custom activity sync configuration in the Hightouch UI

Event timestamp

You can optionally select a column that contains timestamps of when activities occurred. If this field is empty, Marketo uses the time the activity arrives at the server.

Lead matching

To associate activities to leads, select the model column that contains either the leads' Marketo GUID or Email.

Custom activity sync configuration in the Hightouch UI

Activity primary attribute

Select the model column to map to the primary attribute field for your custom activity.

Custom activity sync configuration in the Hightouch UI

Field mapping

You can also map data from any of your model columns to a custom activity's non-primary attributes. Ensure your model columns data types match the data types of the fields you want to sync to.

Syncing static lists

Static lists are a list of names in Marketo. You can configure Hightouch syncs to manage these lists by adding and updating users.

User identifiers

To identify which users to add or update in an static list, select a model column and the corresponding Marketo attirbute, for example Lead ID.

Select an existing static list or create a new one

You can create a new static list or use an existing one. When creating a new static list, you can optionally enter a name; otherwise, Hightouch defaults to the name of the associated model. To use an existing static list, select the desired static list from the dropdown.

Static list sync configuration in the Hightouch UI

Folder selection

If you're creating a new static list in Marketo, you need to select the folder/program to create the list in. Static lists can only be created in folders and programs of the following types:

  • Email Batch Program
  • Marketing Program
  • Nurture Program
  • List

In the Marketo UI, you can tell whether the folder is one of the above types by right clicking the folder in the Marketing Activities sidebar. If the "New local asset" or "Create list" options are available, then the folder supports static lists.

New local asset in Marketo UI

Static list description

If you're creating a new static list in Marketo, you can optionally Hightouch add a description for the static list.

Static list sync configuration in the Hightouch UI

Split retries

By default, Hightouch retries all records in a rejected batch. To pinpoint which users are getting rejected with which errors and reduce the number of valid users that get retried, you can enable split retries.

Trigger campaigns

Hightouch lets you use records from your models to trigger campaigns through the Marketo Campaign API.


Before you can set up a Hightouch sync to trigger a campaign, you need to have an active trigger campaign with Web Service API as the source in Marketo. For details, follow the setup instructions below.

Trigger campaign setup

  1. If you haven't already, go to Design Studio to draft an email template in your Marketo instance. Before your email template you can use the email template in Hightouch, your draft must be approved.

    Email template creation in Marketo

    You can use custom tokens to populate your email template with data from your model.

    Email template creation in Marketo

    In the example screenshot above, a custom token makes it possible to dynamically populate the email subject.

  2. Next, you need a Smart Campaign to trigger. Follow these steps if you need to create a new one. Make sure that your campaign belongs to a program.

  3. Open the Smart List tab in the top nav to configure the trigger. Drag and drop Campaign is Requested from the triggers list on the right.

Campaign trigger setup in the Marketo UI

  1. Select that the source is Web Service API.

Campaign trigger setup in the Marketo UI

  1. Open the Flow tab in the top nav to configure your flow. Drag and drop Send Email from the actions on the right.

Flow setup in the Marketo UI

  1. Select the email template you want to send.

Flow setup in the Marketo UI

  1. Open the Schedule tab in the top nav to configure your qualifications. Click on Edit to edit your qualifications.

Hightouch doesn't check if an email has been sent to a distinct lead before trigger a campaign. For example, if a lead with email appears in two of the queried rows from your model, then Hightouch triggers an email for each of these rows. Two emails would be sent to If you want to only send one email per lead, set your qualifications in Marketo to only once.

Flow setup in the Marketo UI

  1. Click Activate when you're finished.

Campaign activation

For additional reference, see Marketo's how-to article.

Sync configuration

Each new row in your model triggers your Marketo Smart Campaign. That means that Hightouch triggers the campaign for every row in your model on your first sync run, or if you trigger a full resync. In subsequent sync runs, only new rows in your model's query results trigger the campaign.

Campaign selection

To start, select a campaign you've created in Marketo. Only campaigns triggerable via web service API are listed here. If you don't see the campaign you want to trigger in the dropdown, make sure it's follows the prerequisites and then click Refresh in Hightouch.

Campaign trigger configuration in the Hightouch UI

Lead matching

Marketo Smart Campaigns can only be triggered for leads that already exist in your Marketo instance. To trigger an email for the intended leads, select the model column that contains either the leads' Marketo GUID or Email.

Campaign trigger configuration in the Hightouch UI

If you use email for your lead matching and your leads aren't de-duplicated by email, Hightouch uses the latest lead based on the createdAt timestamp.

Token mappings

Use this section to map custom token values. You only need to add mappings for tokens used in your email template.

Campaign trigger configuration in the Hightouch UI


Before activating your campaign trigger sync, it's best to test it with with an example lead whose email inbox you have access to. This lets you inspect the test email.

Click Test from the sync configuration page.

Testing a campaign trigger sync

You can manually overwrite columns of a test row. In the example below, since the sync uses the Email column to match leads, you can manually overwrite the Email field to test lead's email address.

Testing a campaign trigger sync

If you're using the Marketo GUID column to match leads, you need to manually overwrite the Marketo GUID field to the test lead's Marketo GUID to send a test email.

Once you've altered the email or Marketo GUID, press Sync as added row. This triggers the campaign for the test lead and sends an email to their inbox.

Testing a campaign trigger sync

Check the test lead's email inbox to verify that your configuration sent the intended email with custom tokens populated as expected.

Tips and troubleshooting

Common errors

If you encounter an error or question not listed below and need assistance, don't hesitate to . We're here to help.

Code 413 "Request Entity Too Large"

This error means that size of Hightouch's API request to Marketo was too large. Lower the batch size to mitigate it.

Code 603 "Access denied"

This error means that authentication to Marketo was successful but the account you authenticated with doesn't have sufficient permission to call the Marketo API. For more information, see Marketo's help article.

As explained in the Create Marketo service section, ensure that:

Code 1003 "Campaign is not part of a program"

To resolve this error, move your campaign into a program.

Code 1007 "Multiple lead match lookup criteria"

To resolve this error, remove any duplicate rows with the same primary key in your model.

Code 1013 "Record not found"

This error can happen if you select Update mode when syncing to standard and custom objects. If a record doesn't exist in Marketo yet, you need to select Upsert mode instead, which updates existing records and creates new ones, if needed.

Live debugger

Hightouch provides complete visibility into the API calls made during each of your sync runs. We recommend reading our article on debugging tips and tricks to learn more.

Sync alerts

Hightouch can alert you of sync issues via Slack, PagerDuty, SMS, or email. For details, please visit our article on alerting.

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Last updated: Oct 1, 2024

On this page

Supported syncingMarketo setupCreate Marketo serviceConnect to MarketoSync configurationSyncing objectsSyncing custom activitiesSyncing static listsTrigger campaignsTips and troubleshootingCommon errorsLive debuggerSync alerts

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